Last Step!

You are almost done, the last step is to make payment for our tax services. Payment is as simple as select, confirm and pay:

Basic Tax @ R650

Basic Tax


Includes IRP5’s, Medical Aid Contributions, Retirement Annuity Contributions, Donations, Tax Free Savings, Dividend or REIT Income.

Category: SKU: BasicTax

Please also select from the add-ons below:

Travel allowance / Company Car


Travel allowance / Company Car

*Client to provide logbook for each vehicle used.

Category: SKU: TravelAllowance

Rental Income


Rental Income

*Client to provide rental schedule

Category: SKU: RentalIncome

Capital Gains Calculations


Capital Gains Calculations

Category: SKU: CapitalGains

Claims Against Commission


Claims Against Commission / Independent Contractor Income / Sole Proprietor

Category: SKU: ClaimsAgainstCommission

Disclaimer: Experity Accounting has the right to re-evaluate final invoice upon final conclusion of work performed. This figure is an estimate invoice, it is based on the information provided, and may be inappropriate if additional information is forthcoming, or specifications change. Any such changes may result in additional or increased charges, and you agree to pay such increased charges.